Social Science


The 2011 Social Science class will center on historical research and the development of a series of educational games and related activities to teach the following concepts:

–        Identification and enhancement of critical thinking skills

–        Development of new historical content knowledge

–        Classic elements of effective team building

–        Enhancement of research skills

–        Development of more process oriented skills

–        Leadership development and skill building

–        The development and understanding of social movements

–        Enhancement of individual creativity

–        Enhancement of organizational development tools

The class assignments will focus on historical research on a series of events that mark major turning points in the history of mankind. Based on this body of research and discovery the students will form teams to develop educational games that reflect History, political science, geography, and sociology. The games and activities developed by the class will be shared with ESU 11 social science teachers. The students will select from a list of historical events developed by the instructor.  (This class requires the nominated student to complete a screening examination).