On October 29, 30 and 31, 334 sophomore students from the ESU 11 area participated in the career exploration workshop called Connecting the Dots. This interactive career exploration simulation program is designed to help students learn more about careers of interest as well as how to “connect the dots” from tenth grade through postsecondary study to the workplace. Many thanks to the following businesses that provided representatives to speak to the students during the course of the day about their particular career field: Educational Service Unit #11, Bruning State Bank, Allmand/Briggs and Stratton, Phelps County Development Corporation, Eileen Golus, Phelps County Sheriff’s Department, Holdrege YMCA, Mosiac, Tri Basin NRD, Southern Public Power, Adams Construction, NTV, Phelps Memorial Health Center, Nebraska Extension, Central Community College, UNL, Furnas/Gosper County FSA, and the Nebraska National Guard. The workshop is a Nebraska Extension educational program and was coordinated by the Nebraska Extension Office and sponsored by Educational Service Unit 11.

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