ESU 11 Technology Curriculum Consultant Jody Bauer held a workshop on Blended Learning. This meeting was day two of the Blended Learning Cohort. During this workshop participants shared the Blended Learning model they began implementing in their classroom. Along with their model they were asked to develop a plan. Participants shared their plan which consist of specific areas to consider such as grade level, teachers role, scheduling, technology tools and software and arrangement of classroom. A few other key topics we focused on were how to prepare students for blended learning through a model called Self Directed Learning. This is a process where students learn to manage their own personalized learning and transition smoothly from traditional education to blended learning. Participants also learned how the role of the teacher changes in a blended learning environment. The teacher’s role has shifted from planning and delivering content to being a facilitator of student learning. Teachers learned how to utilize digital curriculum in a blended learning classroom that provides data they can use to facilitate learning. This is a unique opportunity for teachers to build stronger relationships with students, working one on one or in small groups which focuses their attention on student progress and achievement. Jody Bauer will continue to provide coaching a support in order to successfully integrate blended learning into teachers classroom.
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