ESU #11 sponsored the Annual Elementary Quiz Bowl at the Nebraska Prairie Museum in Holdrege on Wednesday, January 19th. Teams attending were Alma, Arapahoe, Axtell, Bertrand, Cambridge, Elwood, Eustis-Farnam, Franklin, Holdrege, Loomis, Minden, Southern Valley, and Wilcox-Hildreth. Results were as follows:
Brandy Edgren, Coach, Hunter Mueller, Ayden Konzelman, Marcus May, Nataleigh Lyon, Anna Golus, Leo Deaver, Micah Nelsen, Ayna Mueller, Eila Burgoon, Creighton Smith, Leah DeWald, Harley Wells
2nd – ALMA
Karen Olson, Coach, Barrett Zikmund- Captain, Carson Stoelting, Eric Dicke, Jack Evans, Abbie Pool, Henry Benson, Heath Platt, Jaxson Gehrig, Tucker Simonsen, Jaelyn Bradley, Kash Faimon, Truman Fennel, Kenley Haussermann, Reyce Melton, Cash Stottler, Juno Tischner, Cole Zikmund, Layne Biskup, Brittyn Fraiser, Cinch Hendrickson, Mark Mahalek, Asher Shada
3rd – MINDEN
Steph Emery, Coach, Cole Schwenka, Luke Craig, Aly Cederburg, Sawyer Grotrian, Judah BeDunnah, Sydney Jenkins, Jolie Buechler, Madalyn Morey, Seth Jacobitz

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